Restricted: These videos are solely for the use of the PennVet community for educational purposes. The videos may not be shared or distributed to anyone outside of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.
Represents the Joint Pathology Center's core veterinary systemic pathology training curriculum. Choose from 775 cases as known or unknown entities, body system, and species.
Zoetis-sponsored professional development and networking site for veterinary students and recent graduates
- Job search
- Networking with other students and recent graduates
- Real world advice from veterinary professionals
Training modules on:
-Professional Development: resume-writing skills, successful interviewing techniques and navigating the job search, etc.
-Business Skills: running a successful veterinary business.
-Financial Literacy: financial basics, budgeting and student loan repayment.
Penn Vet manages the Veterinary Employment Bulletin Board, which provides information on job postings by area of specialty, region, or the type of employer (e.g., government, academia, private practice, industry). Summer jobs are included.
Most comprehensive database for searching the veterinary literature. Includes abstracts, books and book chapters, conference proceedings. Some pdfs of conference proceedings included.
Requires registration (restricted to veterinarians, veterinary students and key personnel). Large online community for veterinarians with drug information, calculators, online books and proceedings, etc.
Provides reviews of current evidence on clinical topics by searching CAB Abstracts and MEDLINE and summarizing the evidence. The reviews are designed to be a quick tool to incorporate evidence into practice, and are not a fully comprehensive review of all available evidence.
The booking system requires a Vet Login. Access is available from Penn computers on-campus. If off-campus, access using Penn Vet Virtual Desktop
Due to high demand, use of rooms is restricted to Penn Vet faculty, staff and students.