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History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book


A critical issue impacting early Hebrew printing was that of censorship, both of the external ecclesiastical sort emanating from Rome, and internal Jewish control stating that no Hebrew book be printed without the authorization of recognized rabbis and lay leaders of the nearest large community.  Included among the studies in this section of the research guide are academic works focusing on the ultimate form of censorship, the auto de fé, or burning of books.

Arnheim, Arthur
“Hebrew Prints and Censorship in Altona” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 21 (2001) 3-9
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Baruchson-Arbib, Shifra and Gila Prebor
"Sefer Ha-ziquq" (An Idex of Forbidden Hebrew Books):  The Book's use and its influence on Hebrew Printing," La Bibliofilia 109 (2007) 3-31
Van Pelt Library. Z1007 .B56

Berliner, Abraham
Censur und confiscation hebräischer Bücher im Kirchenstaate: auf Grund der Inquisitions-Akten in der
Vaticana und Vallicellana,
Frankfurt a. M., J. Kauffmann, 1891
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z657 .B51 1891
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.$b123003;view=1up;seq=5

Biondi, Albano
“Inquisizione ed ebrei a Modena nel Seicento,” pp. 259-73 in, Vita e cultura ebraica nello stato estense : atti del 1 convegno internazionale di studi, Nonantola 15-16-17 maggio 1992 (Bologna:  Fattoadarte, 1993) edd. Euride Fregni and Mauro Perani
Van Pelt Library. DS135.I85 E538 1993

Burnett, Stephen G.
“Hebrew Censorship in Hanau:  A Mirror of Jewish-Christian Coexistence in Seventeenth-Century Germany,” pp. 199-222 in, The Expulsion of the Jews:  1492 and After (NewYork:  Garland, 1994) edd. Raymond B. Waddinton and Arthur H. Williamson
Van Pelt Library. DS135.S7 E97 1994
Rare Book & Manuscript Library - Furness Shakespeare Library (Van Pelt 628). DS135.S7 E97 1994

Burnett, Stephen G.
“The Regulation of Hebrew Printing in Germany, 1555-1630:  Confessional Politics and the Limits of Jewish Toleration,” pp. 329-348 in, Infinite Boundaries:  Order, Disorder, and the Reorder of Early Modern German Culture (Kirksville, Mo. : Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, c1998) ed. Max Reinhart
Van Pelt Library. DD65 .I54 1998  

Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe
Censorship and freedom of expression in Jewish history
New York : Sepher-Hermon Press with Yeshiva University Press, l977
Katz Center - Stacks. BM729.C4 C37 1977
Van Pelt Library. BM729.C4 C29

Castellani, Giuseppe
“Documenti circa la persecuzione dei libri ebraici a Venezia,” La Bibliofilia 7 (1905) 304-307
Van Pelt Library. Z1007 .B56
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.;view=1up;seq=7

Chazan, Robert
Christian Condemnation, Censorship, and Exploitation of the Talmud," pp. 53-59 in, Printing the Talmud from Bomberg to Schottenstein (New York : Yeshiva University Museum, 2005) edd. Sharon Liberman Mintz and Gabriel M. Goldstein
Katz Center - Reference Folio. BM501 .P756 2005
Van Pelt Library. BM501 .P756 2005

Cherubini, Laertii  
Magnum bullarium Romanum : a B. Leone Magno usque ad S.D.N. Clementem X,  vol. 3, fol. 24
[Clemens VIII Papal Bull, Cum  hebraeorum  militia,  dated February  28,  1593 , prohibiting the possession or reading of the Talmud and kabbalistic works]
Lugduni : Sumptibus Petri Borde, Joannis & Petri Arnaud, 1692-1697
Rare Book & Manuscript Library - Lea Collection. S-33.7.10-13,_SS_Clemens_VIII,_Bullarium_%28Cherubini_vol_3_ff_001-177%29,_LT.pdf

Dall’Olio, Guido
“Libri ebraici e Inquisizione a Bologna (1553-1574),” pp. 83-101 in, La cultura ebraica a Bologna tra medioevo e rinascimento (Firenze :  Giuntina, 2002)  ed. Mauro Perani
Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.I85 B653 2002
Van Pelt Library. DS135.I85 B653 2002

Dall’Olio, Guido
“Ebrei papi, vescovi e inquisitori a Bologna alla metà del Cinquecento.  Le premesse dell’ espulsione del 1569,” Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento 25 (1999) 153-204
Available at Yale, Princeton, Columbia et al., but does not circulate

Fragnito, Gigliola
“The Central and Peripheral Organization of Censorship,” pp. 8-40 in, Church, Censorship and Culture in Early Modern Italy (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2001) ed. Gigliola Fragnito
Van Pelt Library. BR872 .C47 2001

Fragnito, Gigliola
“La censura ecclesiastica in Italia:  volgarizzamenti biblici e letteratura all’Indiice.  Bilancio degli studi e prospettive di ricerca,” pp. 39-56 in, Reading and Censorship in Early Modern Europe (Barcelona, 11-13 de diciembre de 2007) (Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Studia Aurea Monográfica 2], 2010) edd. María José Vega, Julien Weiss & Cesc Esteve
Widely available via BorrowDirect

Fragnito, Gigliola, ed. (trans. Adrian Belton)
Church, Censorship and Culture in Early Modern Italy
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001
Van Pelt Library. BR872 .C47 2001

Francesconi, Federica
“Jews under Surveillance: Censorship and Reading in Early Modern Italy,” pp. 127-143 in,
Early Modern Workshop: Resources in Jewish History. EMW 2009: Reading across Cultures:  The Jewish Book and Its Readers in the Early Modern Period

Francesconi, Federica
“La censura dei libri ebraici “infetti et perniziosi” nella Modena del Seicento: processi, negoziazioni e discussioni di ebrei e cristiani nei fori dell’Inquisizione,” Archivio Italiano per la Storia della Pietà 26 (2013) 383-407
Van Pelt Library. BX880 .A724

Francesconi, Federica
“‘This Passage can be read differently: ...’ :  How Jews and Christians censored Hebrew texts in Early Modern Modena,” Festschrift in Honor of Professor Kenneth R. Stow, [Jewish History Special Issue 26 (2012) 139-160] ed. J. Berkovitz and J.H. Chajes

Goodman, Peter
The Saint as Censor:  Robert Bellarmine Between Inquisition and Index
Leiden :  Brill, 2000
Rare Book & Manuscript Library - Lea Collection. BX4700.B25 G63 2000
Van Pelt Library. BX4700.B25 G63 2000

Grendler, Paul F.
“The Destruction of Hebrew Books in Venice, 1568,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 45 (1978) 103-30
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .A34
Van Pelt - Judaica/Ancient Near East Resource Room (401). DS101 .A34
[repr. as chapter 12 in, Culture and Censorship in Late Renaissance Italy and France (London:  Variorum, 1981) ed. Paul F. Grendler
Van Pelt Library. DC33.3 .G73]

Grendler, Paul F.
Roman Inquisition and the Venetian Press:  1540-1605
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977
Van Pelt Library. BX1723 .G73

Hacker, Joseph R.
“Sixteenth-century Jewish Internal Censorship of Hebrew Books,” pp.  109-20 and 268-75 in, The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011) edd. Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear
Katz Center - Stacks. Z228.H4 H425 2011
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H425 2011

Idel, Moshe
“From R. Isaac Sagi Nahor and R. Isaac Luria:  From Hiding to Printing an Esoteric Lore,” Studia Judaica 21 (2014) 5-40
Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.R7 S77

Ioly Zorattini, Pier Cesare
“Censura e controllo della stampa ebraica a Venezia nel Cinquecento,” pp.  115-127 in, Manoscritti, frammenti e libri ebraici nell’Italia dei secoli XV-XVI (Roma : Carucci, 1991) edd. Giuliano Tamani and Angelo Vivian
Van Pelt Library. DS135.I8 M36 1991

Ioly Zorattini, Pier Cesare
“Domenico Gerosolimitano in Venice - Information concerning his conversion to Catholicism and activities as ecclesiastical censor of Hebrew books in late sixteenth-century Italy,” Sefarad 58.1 (1998) 107-115
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .S4
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .S4

Ioly Zorattini, P.C.
"S. Uffizio di Venezia e il controllo della stampa ebraica nella seconda metà del '500" pp. 127-146 in, La Censura Libraria nell'Europa del Secolo XVI (Udine : Forum, 1997) ed. Ugo Rozzo
Van Pelt Library. Z658.E85 C46 1997

Kaufmann, David
“Die Verbrennung der Talmudischen Litteratur in der Republik Venedig,” Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (1901) 533-538
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .J48
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.;view=1up;seq=9

Kisch, Guido
"Die Zensur jüdischer Bücher in Böhmen," Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in der Cechoslovakischen Republik  2 (1930) 456-490
Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.C95 S654 1929

Kracauer, Isidor
“Actenstücke zur Geschichte der Confiskation der hebräischen Schriften in Frankfurt a. M.,” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 44(1900) 114–26, 167–77, 220–34
Katz Center - Periodicals B1. DS101 .M6
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .M6
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.;view=1up;seq=11

Kracauer, Isidor
“Verzeichniss der von Pfefferkorn 1510 in Frankfurt a. M. confiscierten jüdischen Bücher,” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 44 (1900) 320–459
Katz Center - Periodicals B1. DS101 .M6
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .M6
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.;view=1up;seq=11

Kubátová, Ludmila
“K cenzur hebrejských a židovských knih, tisku a rukopisu v Cechách od poloviny 16. století do poloviny 19. Století,” [The censorship of Hebrew and Jewish books, prints and manuscripts in Bohemia from the 16th century to the mid-19th  Century] Národní knihovna. Knihovnická revue 13.1 (2003) 12-20

O'Callaghan, Daniel
The Preservation of Jewish Religious Books in Sixteenth-Century Germany: Johannes Reuchlin's Augenspiegel
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013
Van Pelt Library. Z658.G3 P74 2013

Offenberg, Adri K.
“Alessandro Scipione, ‘Reveditor’ of Hebrew books in Mantua at the end of the sixteenth century,” pp. 141-175 in, Boek & Letter:  Boekwetenschappelijke bijdragen ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van prof. dr. Frans A. Janssen (Amsterdam : De Buitenkant, 2004) edd.  J.A.A.M.  Biemans, Lisa Kuitert and Piet Verkruijsse
Available via InterLibrary Loan from Notre Dame University and UC Berkeley

Offenberg, Adri K.
“The censorship of Hebrew books in sixteenth-century Italy,” pp. 15-29 in, Against the Law:  Crime, Sharp Practice and the control of print (New Castle, DE : Oak Knoll Press ; London : British Library, 2004) edd. Robin Myers, Michael Harris, and Giles Mandelbrote
Van Pelt Library. Z278 .A33 2004

Parente, Fausto
“La Chiesa e il Talmud,” pp. 521-634 in, Storia d’Italia, Annali, vol. 11.  Gli ebrei in Italia, vol. 1, Dall’alto Mediovevo all’ eta dei ghetti (Torino:  Giulio Einaudi, 1996) ed. Corrado Vivanti
Van Pelt Library. DG467 .S794 1978
[A French translation appeared as “L’Église et le Talmud,” in his collected articles, Les juifs et l’Église romaine à l’époque moderne (Paris :  Honore´ Champion, 2007) 233-394
Research Annex (LIBRA). BM535 .P185 2007]

Parente, Fausto; tr. by Adrian Belton
“The Index, the Holy Office, the Condemnation of the Talmud and Publication of Clement VIII’s Index,” pp. 163-193 in, Church, Censorship and Culture in Early Modern Italy (Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001) ed. Gigliola Fragnito
Van Pelt Library. BR872 .C47 2001

Perani, Mauro
“Confisca e censura du libri ebraici a Modena fra cinque e seicento,” pp. 287-320 in, L’inquisizione egli ebrei in Italia (Roma : Laterza, 1994) ed. Michele Luzzati
Van Pelt Library. BM322 .I5 1994

Perani, Mauro
"Confisca e censura di libri ebraici a Modena fra Cinque e Seicento," pp. 287-320 in, L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia (Rom3 : Laterza, 1994) ed. Michele Luzzati
Van Pelt Library. BM322 .I5 1994

Pilarczyk, Krzysztof
“Zur Zensurfrage der jüdischen Bücher in Polen im 16. und 17,” Jahrhundert, pp. II:346-353 in, Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Proceedings of the 6th EAJS Congress, Toledo, July 1988 (Leiden - Boston - Koeln: Brill 1999) edd. Judit Targarona Borras and Angel Saenz-Badillos
Katz Center – Stacks. BM30 .E86 1998
Van Pelt Library. BM30 .E86 1998

Pilarczyk, Krzysztof
“Bishop Marcin Szyszkowski and the Printer Tsvi Kalonymos Jaffe of Lublin: On Censorship of Books in the Kraków Diocese in the Seventeenth Century,” [Hebrew] Gal’Ed 18 (2002) 25-40
Katz Center - Periodicals B1. DS135.P6 G34
Van Pelt Library. DS135.P6 G34

Pilarczyk, Krzysztof
“Spory o druk Talmudu w Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej : z dziejów cenzury w XVI i XVII wieku,” [Disputes about the printing of the Talmud in the First Republic : the history of censorship in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries] pp. 45-61 in, Zydzi i judaizm we wspólczesnych badaniach polskich, T. 2: Materialy konferencyjne, Kraków 24-26 XI 1998 (Krako´w : Polska Akademia Umieje?tnos´ci, Komisja Historii i Kultury Z?ydo´w, 2000) edd. K. Pilarczyk and S. Gasiorowskiego, Kraków   
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University, Columbia University et al.

Pilarczyk, Krzysztof
“Zur Zensurfrage des Talmud in Polen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert,” Studia Judaica 2 (1999) 185-195
Katz Center – Stacks. DS135.P6 S795

Popper, William; introd. by Moshe Carmilly-Weinberger
The censorship of Hebrew books. [Reprint of the 1899 ed ... with a new introd.]
New York:  Ktav Pub. House, 1969
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z1019 .P66 1969
Van Pelt Library. Z1019 .P67 1969

Porges, Nathan
“Der hebraische Index expurgatorius sefer ha-zikuk,” pp. 273-95 in volume 2, Festschrift zum Siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's , 2 volumes (Berlin : Bi-defus T. H. Iṭtsḳoṿsḳi, 1903; Frankfurt/M:  J. Kauffmann, 1903) edd. Aron Freimann and Meier Hildesheimer
Katz Center - Stacks. BM42.B475 F745 1903
Van Pelt Library. PJ4514 .B4 1969
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.

Prebor, Gila
"From Jerusalem to Venice: The Life of Domenico Yerushalmi, His Writings and His Work as a Censor," [Hebrew] Pe'amim 111/112 (2007) 215-242
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .P47
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .P47
English translation: "Domenico Yerushalmi: his Life, Writings and Work as a Censor,"  Materia giudaica. Rivista dell'associazione italiana per lo studio de giudaismo XV-XVI (2010-2011) 467-481
Katz Center - Stacks. BM85.I9 M384
Van Pelt Library.  BM85.I9 M384

Prebor, Gila
“Sefer ha Ziquq of Domenico Yerushalmi,” [Hebrew] Italia 18 (2008) 7-296
Katz Center – Stacks. DS135.I85 A1 I85
Van Pelt Library. DS135.I8 I85

Price, David H.
Johannes Reuchlin and the Campaign to Destroy Jewish Books
Oxford :  Oxford University Press, 2010
Katz Center - Stacks. B785.R64 P75 2010
Van Pelt Library. B785.R64 P75 2010

Price, David H.
"Who or what saved the Jewish books?: Johannes Reuchlin's role in the Jewish book pogrom of 1509-1510," Daphnis 39 (2010)479 - 517
Van Pelt Library. PT3 .D36

Price, David H.
"'Whether to Confiscate, Burn and Destroy All Jewish Books':, Johannes Reuchlin and the Jewish Book Controversy" pp. 47-54 in, Censorship Moments: Reading Texts in the History of Censorship and Freedom of Expression (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014) ed. Geoff Kemp
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University, Princeton University, et al.

Putík, Alexandr
"The censorship of Hebrew books in Prague 1512-1670 (1672)," pp. 123-151 in, Hebrew Printing in Bohemia and Moravia. Academia  (Prague:  Jewish Museum in Prague, 2012)
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H43713 2012
Fine Arts Library. Z228.H4 H43713 2012

Ravid, Benjamin
“The Prohibition Against Jewish Printing and Publishing in Venice and the Difficulties of Leone Modena,” pp. 135-53 in, Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature (Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1979) ed. Isadore Twersky
Katz Center – Stacks. BM180 .S79 1979
Van Pelt Library. BM180 .S78

Raz, Amnon
16הצנזורה הקתולית והספרות העברית במאה ה־ = Censorship as a design : Catholic censorship and Hebrew literature in the 16th century
Jerusalem : ha-Universitah ha-Ivrit, Thesis (M.A.), 1989.
Katz Center - Stacks. Z657 .R39 1989a

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
“Law and censure:  the printing of the Shulkhan Arukh as the commencment of Jewish modernity,” [Hebrew] pp. 306-335 in,  טוב עלם: זיכרון קהילה ומגדר בחברות יהודיות בימי הביניים ובראשית העת החדשה, מאמרים לכבודו של ראובן בונפיל    = Tov Elem:  Memory, Community and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Societies.  Essays in honor of Robert Bonfil (Jerusalem:  The Bialik Institute and The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, 2011) edd. Elisheva Baumgarten, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin and Roni Weinstein
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University and Brown University

Raz-Krakozkin, Amnon
"From Safed to Venice: The Shulhan 'Arukh and the Censor," pp. 91 - 115 in, Tradition, Heterodoxy and Religious Culture: Judaism and Christianity in the Early Modern Period (Beer-Sheva : Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, c2006) edd. Chanita Goodblatt and Howard Kreisel
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .T72 2006

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon; tr. by Jackie Feldman
The censor, the editor, and the text : the Catholic Church and the shaping of the Jewish canon in the sixteenth century
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2007
Katz Center - Stacks. BR115.C38 R3913 2007
Van Pelt Library. BR115.C38 R3913 2007
Contesting some of Raz-Krakotzhin’s conclusions: 
Kenneth Stow, in AJS Review 33.1 (2009) 181-85 
Adam Shear, Renaissance Quarterly 61.3 (2008) 905-07

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
הצנזור, העורך והטקסט : הצנזורה הקתולית והדפוס העברי במאה השש עשרה = Censorship, editing and the text : Catholic censorship and Hebrew literature in the sixteenth century
Jerusalem : Hotsa'at sefarim a. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universitah ha-Ivrit, c2005
Italia. Supplement series ; 2.
Van Pelt Library. BR115.C38 R39 2005

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
“The Censor as a Mediator:  Printing, Censorship and the Shaping of Hebrew Literature,” pp. 35-57 in,  The Roman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews; Contexts, Sources and Perspectives (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004) ed. Stephan Wendehorst
Library at the Katz Center - Stacks. BM535 .R62 2004
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .R62 2004

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
“Persecution and the Art of Printing.  Hebrew Books in Italy in the 1550s,” pp. 97-108 in, Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe.  Essays in honor of David B. Ruderman (Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press ; Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, 2014) edd.  Richard I. Cohen, Natalie B. Dohrmann, Adam Shear, and Elchanan Reiner
Katz Center - Stacks. DS135.E82 J49 2014

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
"Printing, burning and censorship : Hebrew books in Italy in the 1550s,"Judaica 66,1 (2010) 1-12
Katz Center - Periodicals B1 PERIODICAL

Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
“Burning and Printing: The Hebrew Book during the Counter-Reformation,” [Hebrew] Zmanim 112 (2010) 30-41
Katz Center - Periodicals B1. D1 .Z39
Van Pelt Library. D1 .Z39

Reuchlin, Johannes, trans. by Peter Wortsman
Recommendation Whether to Confiscate, Destroy and Burn All Jewish Books
New York :  Paulist Press, 2000
Katz Center - Stacks. BM535 .R46 2000
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .R46 2000

Rostagno, Lucia
"Note su Domenico Gerosolimitano: A proposito del recente saggio di M. Austin PARTE I," Rivista degli studi orientali 76(2002) 231-262
Van Pelt Library. PJ6 .R484

Rostagno, Lucia
"Note su Domenico Gerosolimitano: PARTE II," Rivista degli studi orientali 77 (2003) 231-275
Van Pelt Library. PJ6 .R484

Sacerdote, Gustave
“Deux Index Expurgatoires de Livres Hébreux,” Revue des études juives 30 (1895) 257-83
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .R45
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .R45
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.;view=1up;seq=371

Sonne, Isaiah
Expurgation of Hebrew books--the work of Jewish scholars : a contribution to the history of the censorship of Hebrew books in Italy in the sixteenth century
New York : New York Public Library, 1943
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z1019 .S66 1943
Katz Center - Stacks. Z1019 .S66 1943

Stow, Kenneth R.
“The Burning of the Talmud in 1553 in Light of Sixteenth Century Catholic Attitudes toward the Talmud,” Bibliotheque d’humanisme et renaissance 34 (1972) 435-459
Research Annex (LIBRA). CB361 .B5

Stow, Kenneth R.
Catholic thought and papal Jewry policy, 1555-1593
New York : Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1977
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .S743

Strobach, Berndt
"Hebräischer Buchdruck zwischen Hofjuden-Mäzenatentum und christlicher Zensur: Wie die Harzstadt Blankenburg nicht zum jüdischen Publikationsort wurde," Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 60 (2008) 235-252
Research Annex(LIBRA). BL4 .Z45

Studemund-Halevy, Michael  
“L'imprimerie sefarade a Hambourg et la censure protestante et rabbinique,” Revue des études juives 159 (2000) 485-500
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .R45
Van Pelt Library. DS101 .R45

Thomanek, Judith
" 'Dies ist die Mishnah des Giuseppe Salvador Ottolenghi.'  Zu Druck, Besitzer, Zensor und Zensur eines hebräischen Buches aus dem 16. Jahrhundert," pp. 93-123 in, Zwischen Zensur und Selbstbesinnung.  Christliche Rezeptionen des Judentums (Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang, 2009) edd. Christfried Böttrich, Judith Thomanek, Thomas Willi
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard, Yale et al.

Toaff, Ariel
“Giovanni Antonio Costanzi, Ultimo Censore di Libri ebraici a Roma (1745-1756 ca.),” La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 67 (2001) 203-214
Katz Center - Periodicals B2.  PERIODICAL

Van Boxel, Piet
“Hebrew Books and Censorship in Sixteenth-Century Italy,” pp. 73-99 in, Jewish Books and their Readers (Leiden:  Brill, 2016) edd. Scott Mandelbrote and Joanna Weinberg
On order

Van Boxel, Piet
“Cardinal Santoro and the Expurgation of Hebrew Literature,” pp. 19-34 in, The Roman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews; Contexts, Sources and Perspectives (Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004) ed. Stephan Wendehorst
Katz Center - Stacks. BM535 .R62 2004
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .R62 2004

Van Boxel, Piet
“Robert Bellarmine, Christian Hebraist and Censor,” pp. 251-275 in, History of Scholarship; a selection of papers from the seminar on the history of scholarship held annually at the Warburg Institute (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006) edd. Christopher Ligota and Jean-Louis Quantin
Research Annex (LIBRA). AZ221 .S47 2006

Van Boxel, Piet
“Robert Bellarmine Reads Rashi: Rabbinic Bible Commentaries and the Burning of the Talmud,” pp. 121-132 in, The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011) edd. Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear
Katz Center - Stacks. Z228.H4 H425 2011
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H425 2011

Walton, Michael T. and Phyllis J. Walton
"In Defense of the Church Militant: The Censorship of the Rashi Commentary in the Magna Biblia Rabbinica," The Sixteenth Century Journal 21 (1990) 385-400
Research Annex (LIBRA).  BR300 .S48

Wendehorst, Stephan, ed.
The Roman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews; Contexts, Sources and Perspectives
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2004.
Katz Center - Stacks. BM535 .R62 2004
Van Pelt Library. BM535 .R62 2004

Wolf, Gershon
“Auto da fé jüdischer Bücher in Prag, 1714,” Hebräische Bibliographie 6 (1863) 35-44
Available via BorrowDirect from Princeton University

Yaari, Abraham
“Burning the Talmud in Italy,” [Hebrew] pp. 198-234 in, מחקרי ספר ; פרקים בתולדות הספר העברי = Studies in Hebrew booklore (Jerusalem: Mosad ha-Rav K?uk?, 1958)
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z228.H4 Y12 1958

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