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ScholarlyCommons Advanced Search Instructions

ScholarlyCommons has the capability to allow for advanced searching. Outlined below are the advanced search options along with examples that you can use to retrieve specific information from ScholarlyCommons.

  • Phrase searching
    • Searching “open access” (in quotes) will return results with the exact phrase open access in them.
  • Boolean searching options
    • Searching open AND access will return results with both of these words in them
    • Searching open OR access will return results with either of these words in them
    • Searching open NOT access will return results with open not including access
  • Searching within specific fields
    • This search tactic allows you to search within a specific metadata field. This can help you narrow down to search amongst titles, subjects, authors, etc.
    • To find metadata field names, click on the “View all metadata” button in a record. The metadata field title is on the left side and the entry for that record is on the right side. 
    • Searching dc.title: Open Access will only return results were the metadata field dc.title includes Open Access.  
    • Searching dc.title: Open Access AND dc.description.abstract: journal returns results that where the metadata field dc.title includes Open Access and the dc.description.abstract includes journal.
  • Wildcard searching
    • Searching open ac* will return results including open and any word starting with ac. This means it could return words like access, academic, across, etc.
    • Searching dc.description.sponsorship:* will return results that have any value in the dc.description.sponsorship metadata field.
  • Range searching
    • Searching[2000 TO 2020] returns results where the metadata field has a date between 2000 and the end of 2020.
    • Searching[2000 TO *] returns results where the metadata field has a date after (or including) 2000.
  • Special characters
    • Certain characters have a unique meaning when used in a search. Having these characters in your search changes your return results. Special characters include colon (:), asterisk (*), boolean operators, etc. To conduct a search that includes these characters, surround the search string in double quotes. ScholarlyCommons will only return results where the search string is present exactly as entered. This is the same tactic as phrase searching.
    • Searching “Sustainability Rankings: Impacts on Corporate Sustainability” will pull up this entry in the results whereas if you removed the quotes it will not show up in the return results. This is because without the quotes the colon disrupts the search since it is a special character.

Based on: Search – Advanced. Lyrasis Wiki.

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