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How to Manage Submissions

ScholarlyCommons administrators have been provided with review permissions for their collections in the repository.  Submissions waiting approval can be found on the “My ScholarlyCommons” page. 


Locating New Submissions

To see all pending submissions in your collections:

  1. Click the profile icon at the top of any page. 

  2. Select “My ScholarlyCommons”

  3. The page will display “Workflow Tasks”. 

Submissions will be labeled with their status.  New submissions will be labeled, “Awaiting review”. 


Reviewing New Submissions

Administrators should be aware that submissions that have been approved for inclusion in the repository are considered to be in their final form and will be published on the repository immediately.  Administrators will not be able to make any changes once a work has been published.  Please review the submission carefully before approving or rejecting a submission.  Information on our revision policies can be found here

To review a submission and make a decision:

  1. Claim a submission in your “Workflow tasks” list. 

  2. Once an item is claimed, additional options will appear allowing you to approve or reject a submission. 

    • To approve, click Approve.  The work will automatically be published in the repository. 

    • To reject a submission, click Reject.  A pop-up window will appear requiring you to indicate the reason for your decision. 

  3. Select view to see the item’s metadata.  You can also download and review the files associated with the submission on this page. 

  4. If you choose to release the submission so other administrators can claim it, select, “Return to pool”.

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