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PennText Citation Linker

Use the; PennText Citation Linker to quickly find an article, book, or journal.

Article Citation Search

Enter the following citation information into the PennText Article Finder search box:

  • Full Journal Title (no abbreviations)Year, Volume Number, Issue Number, First page number


In PennText, arrows pointing to Year, Volume, Journal Title, and Issue

Click You will be taken to the PennText Services page.

Online is Available - If the article is available electronically in full text you will be provided with a link(s) to access the article. This link will take you directly to the article or, if that is not possible, to the electronic edition of the journal where you cn search for the article within the journal.

Screenshot example of the View Online option for journal

If there is no link to the electronic full text, this means that Penn probably does not have electronic access. However, it is always advisable to double-check with a journal title keyword search in the Franklin Catalog, the Penn Libraries's database of record for journal title holdings. 

Print Availability - If the article is not available electronically, which may be the case for older articles, you will see a Get It menu, with library locations indicated.  Click the > on the right to see locations and holdings details.

Screenshot of arrow for requesting print copy, in this case from LIBRA

If the article is available in print only, click the sign in option

Image of the Sign In for requesting a print copy

and choose the Scan and Deliver option.  Library staff will prepare a PDF scan of the article. If neither full-text online or print is available, instead choose Interlibrary loan to request that the library acquire a copy of the article from another library. In both cases, you will be notified when the article is available.

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