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Using Electronic Resources

EZproxy Bookmarklet

 A bookmarklet is like a browser extension but more lightweight and can be used on any browser that supports bookmarks, including mobile browsers. 

Once added you will see EZProxy in your bookmarks bar. Simply click on the EZProxy icon to check for access through Penn Libraries. The EZProxy Bookmarklet works by adding the proxy prefix to the URL and the resource, if Penn has access, will be accessible. 

EZProxy link in toolbard

EZproxy prepend in URL

Installing the Bookmarklet


Installing the EZproxy bookmarklet varies depending on the browser used. In general, drag the EZproxy link to a visible Bookmarks or Favorites Toolbar. 

  • Drag this block EZproxy to your bookmarks toolbar.

Mobile devices (phones and tablets)

The easy way

Install the bookmarklet on your computer browser and then sync your bookmarks from your computer browser with the mobile version of the browser on your mobile device. This works for both Apple and Android mobile devices and most major browsers. 

The less easy way

apple iconApple iOS devices

  • Select and copy this JavaScript code javascript:void(location.href=%22

  • Open web browser on your device to any page and make a bookmark (it doesn't matter which one because the name and content will be edited). To make a bookmark tap the share icon    on the page and choose "Add to Bookmarks". 
  • Edit the bookmark by tapping the bookmark icon  and then Edit . From the Edit view, find the bookmark you made and tap the right arrow to edit  
  • Edit the name of the bookmark to EZ Proxy (or whatever works to describe the bookmark for you) and then paste the JavaScript code into the web address space (delete web address first). Choose Done and Done to complete the process.
  • The next time you're browsing a Penn-provided resource on your mobile device off-campus, simply click or tap the Proxy bookmark you created to sign in for Penn-provided access to that resource.

Android Icon


Android devices  

  • Create a bookmark named "UPenn EZproxy" (or name of your choice) following all the steps described for iOS devices.
  • For non-Chrome Android mobile browsers: click or tap the Proxy bookmark you created to sign in for Penn-provided access to the resource. 
  • for Chrome mobile browser: start typing the name of the bookmark in the address bar of the browser (e.g., start typing "UPenn EZProxy" if that is what you named it), then select the bookmark when it appears in the drop down menu to run it.  
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