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Computing Services at Penn Libraries

Computers, printers, laptops, software, scanning devices. Computing for library staff. Library Technology Service. Passwords, Permissions.

Electronic Lookup Center (ELC)

The Electronic Lookup Center (ELC) hosts 34-inch curved monitors, and 22-inch dual monitors offering added value and accessibility options.

Print and scan devices

The library uses UniPrint pay-for-printing.. To make use of the service, print as you would from one of our public computers or your laptop, give your job a name, and retrieve your print jobs from one of the three print stations in ELC. You will be able to swipe your PennCard/PennCash card, and then will be prompted to find your job by name and work station. Black and white printing costs $.07/page. Duplex and Color printing are also available. Duplex printing costs $ .10 per page for double side black and white pages using the duplex printers. Color printing is available and costs $0.28/page.

We also provide a scannx bookscan scan center that includes a flat bed scanner, touch screen, and a sheet feeding system open to the general public.

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