The Math/Physics/Astronomy Library provides the following public computing services:
All computer have access to the Internet, library electronic resources, and a variety of softwares. At the fifth workstation, patrons can use the color scanner for free.
There is also a look-up station for quick access to Franklin the library online catalog and the Internet.
Paid printing is available using your
PennCard or a Visitor's PennCash card.
- Black and white double-sided: $.05 per side ($.10 per sheet)
- Color single-sided: $.28 per page
- Color double-sided: $.20 per side ($.40 per sheet)
Go here for
printing instructions.
Free color scanning is available.
Wireless Networking: Patrons with wireless enabled laptops can log onto the AirPennNet Wireless Network following the
instructions here.
Penn faculty, students and staff who connect to the Library from off-campus can access restricted resources through the Library's
Proxy Server. Directions for using Science and Engineering resources off-campus are also available