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Computing Services at the Penn Libraries

Computers, printers, laptops, software, scanning devices. Computing for library staff. Library Technology Service. Passwords, Permissions.


Our Long Island Friends computer lab features ten Windows 10 desktops, 2 dedicated audio visual booths, free scanning options, and printing for our Penn students!  This area is available for use 24/7, it is located on the ground floor of Van Pelt Library.


Wireless Laptops are available to borrow using our self-service Laptop Kiosk. Students, faculty, and staff with a valid PennCard may check out a laptop for a four-hour loan period. Laptops are for in use in the Van Pelt Library only. The laptops have Microsoft Office, browsers, and Adobe Reader. Library laptops on the wireless network in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center print to the Long Island Friends Computer Lab on the ground floor.


Print and scan devices in Long Island Friends

Paid printing is available in all the labs in Van Pelt, using your PennCard or a Visitor's PennCash card. Costs are $.07 per page for single sided black and white pages, $ .10 per page for double side black and white pages using the duplex printers, and $0.28 per page for single side color pages (limited locations). See printing instructions.


Scanning:  Touch screen scanning is available on the Ground Floor of Van Pelt.

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