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Computing Services at the Penn Libraries

Computers, printers, laptops, software, scanning devices. Computing for library staff. Library Technology Service. Passwords, Permissions.
















Primarily Windows desktop computers spread throughout the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th floors in the Van Pelt Library.

All computers provide Internet access to Penn's Digital Library, online catalog, and electronic resources, and require PennKey authentication.  Computer lab software titles are widely available throughout Penn Libraries. 

Teaching spaces in Van Pelt Library:

Van Pelt room 113
Van Pelt room 223
Van Pelt room 241
Van Pelt room 242
Van Pelt room 247
Van Pelt room 248
Van Pelt room 250
Van Pelt room 241
Van Pelt room 254
Van Pelt room 255
Van Pelt room 302
Van Pelt room 305
Van Pelt room 402
Van Pelt room 405
Van Pelt room 425
Van Pelt room 452.2
Van Pelt room 523
Van Pelt room 625
Van Pelt room 625
Van Pelt room 626
Van Pelt room 627
Van Pelt room 628
Van Pelt room 629

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