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Computing Services at Penn Libraries

Computers, printers, laptops, software, scanning devices. Computing for library staff. Library Technology Service. Passwords, Permissions.


The Computer Resource and Teaching Room is frequently used for workshops and classes, but it is open to members of the Penn community during library hours when no sessions are scheduled. A schedule is posted outside the door, and it is wise to phone ahead before making a special trip to use the facilities.

Computers are available on a first come, first served basis, but priority is given to those who need to use the workstations' specialized software.

Chemistry Computers and Devices

Windows 10

The Computer Resource and Teaching Room contains eight PCs designed and equipped to support chemical research.

Paid printing is available, using your PennCard or a Visitor's PennCash card. Costs are $0.07 per page for single-sided printing and $0.05 per page for duplex printing using the black and white printers. Color printing costs $0.28 per page. Please see printing instructions. You can add cash to your PennCard or buy a Visitor's PennCash card at the black box in the rear of the Chemistry Library, and you can also add money from your credit card at any of our computer stations.

Wireless access is available to members of the Penn community. The Chemistry Library uses the AirPennNet and AirPennNet Guest wireless networks: see Instructions.

Quick Reference Stations Three PC workstations are available in the main section of the library for all library users. They provide basic Web functions but do not offer productivity software.

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