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Computing Services at the Penn Libraries

Computers, printers, laptops, software, scanning devices. Computing for library staff. Library Technology Service. Passwords, Permissions.


The Education Commons is a state-of-the-art study and information space that supports teaching and collaborative learning. Located on the mezzanine of the George A. Weiss Pavilion in Franklin Field, the Education Commons comprises 6,400 square feet and 168 seats and includes an 18-seat seminar room and 8 group study rooms, all reservable online. The space is open to all current Penn students, faculty, and staff (a PennCard is required for access).

We offer 3D printing and specialized software such as SolidWorks.

Education Commons computers, and print devices

Computers and Laptops

Seminar room: Seats 18. Equipped with a PC and an 80 inch full HD LED/LCD digital display with laptop connection. To request the seminar room, visit the reservation page or fill out our Questions or comments form.

Education Commons

Group study rooms: Equipped with PCs and HD LED/LCD displays with laptop connections. There are 4 large 10-person group study rooms and 4 small 5-person group study rooms.

Education Commons group study room

Laptops: Mac book pro laptop devices are available to borrow for Patons with a PennCard.

Lending Laptop

Lookup computer:  Education commons also provides access to a look up computer for Patrons.

Printing at Education Commons

Specialized software

All PCs and Macs include a full suite of software that supports productivity, geographic information systems, math/statistics, visual design/publishing, web development/digital management, and media display.

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