Desktop Computers:
The Dental Library offers 3 public stand-alone computers, a quick-print workstation, a computer in each of our 10 Group Study Rooms, and a computer in our Library Seminar Room. All computers are internet connected, and allow access to Penn's Digital Library.
All computers require PennKey access
Laptop computers for lending:
The Library offers 7 Mac and 3 PC laptops which can be borrowed and used within the library reading room for up to 4 hours at a time. All computers are internet connected and allow access to Penn's Digital Library. Laptop locks and chargers are also available.
Printers and scanners
The Penn Libraries use Pharos' Uniprint software to manage printing to our public printers in all the Libraries. In order to use our printers there must be PennCash on your PennCard. You can add cash to your account by visiting the PennCard website. To make use of the service, print as you would normally print from your home or office computer. You will then be asked to provide a user name, password, and job name.
- Black and white printing is $.07 per page for single-sided, and $.05 per page ($.10 per sheet) for double-sided printing
- Color printing is $.28 a page for single-sided, and $.20 per page ($.40 per sheet) for double-sided printing
Poster printing services are available in the Weigle Information Commons (WIC) at Van Pelt Library and by appointment at the Holman Biotech Commons. Posters printed for academic use are charged at $.02/per square inch. Posters printed for personal use are charged $.02/per square inch plus 8% sales tax.
The Dental Library has a public scanner too. However, the library, currently, does not have a working photocopier.
Dental School Printing
If you would like to use your Dental School $50 allowance to print, you must use the printer outside of the Student Lounge in the Lower Level of the Evans Building. Printers located in the Dental clinics are also available, but for clinic printing only.
Wireless Networking:
The Dental Library offers access to AirPennNet via PennKey. If you do not have a PennKey, please see the PennKey Website for PennKey registration instructions.